Happy new year!
The last week of the 2009 I bought a new camera, Canon EOS 7D. Yay!
7D is totally awesome camera. It has a 18M pixel APS-C sized sensor and its image quality is fine.
Soon after using this, I thought I made a great buy.
I bought a Zoom Lens Kit (EF-S15-85mm F3.5-5.6 IS).
This lens covers wide-angle, macro, and zoom shooting. Really useful. I loved it.
And also video recording is really good. 7D is able to record 1080p video in 30fps or 24fps, and 720p in 60fps with DSLR quality. It is rock!
At 2010 New Year’s Day I went to Takahata Fudo Temple (Tokyo) and shot some footages. It was the early hours of the morning and still dark, but captured images are beautiful with food stall’s lightings.
I uploaded a video which is combined that 7D footages with music.
2010 New Year’s Day at Takahata Fudo Temple, Japan from llcheesell on Vimeo.
And some photos were uploaded to Flickr.
Flickr: llcheesell / Vilvo’s Photostream
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